A word from Pastor Sarah

What to Expect

When attending in person

Worship is an opportunity to gather together in the presence of God to practice and learn more about loving God, loving others, and loving ourselves. Our worship service is fairly laid-back with music, scripture, prayers, and a message that ties the lessons of scripture to our everyday lives. The music ranges from traditional hymns to more contemporary praise songs and our church’s choir sings most Sundays during the school year.  We also have a special moment for children led by our Director of Children's Ministries and we take an offering (though as a guest, please don't feel obligated to give the church money.)

There’s lots!

On Sunday mornings, we offer in-person Sunday School for kids from Pre-K through 5th grade during the 10am worship service. The kids start out in worship with the whole congregation and then go into Sunday School after the children’s moment.

Our nursery care is available for kids 6 months through 4 years during the 10am worship service. The kids can go directly to the nursery at the beginning of worship, or stay in the sanctuary through the children’s moment and then head to the nursery.

Folks at UMCE dress in all sorts of ways for worship, from dresses and jackets to jeans and sweatshirts. Wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable and know that we are glad to have you with us no matter what you’re wearing!

No! You can expect that folks at church may come and introduce themselves to you, but you will not be asked to stand and introduce yourself during the service (or any time). We do ask that first-time guests let us know they are joining us by filling out a Connect Card with contact information. Feel free to leave as little or as much information as you’d like. We promise to only use it to contact you or send you updates from the church – we won’t give it to anyone else or attempt to sell you an extended warranty for your car or anything like that.

Yes! On the first Sunday of each month, we share together in the sacrament of Holy Communion. In the United Methodist Church, the communion table is open to all people regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, membership status, or anything else. The communion table is Christ’s table, and all are invited and equal there.

The main part of the building (sanctuary, bathrooms, offices, fellowship hall, library) are all located on the main level with no stairs up from the front door of the building. There are several accessible parking spots located outside the main church doors and at the side door entrance as well. 

What to expect

When attending online

You can worship with us live online Sundays at 10 am at UMCE Online. Introduce yourself and participate in a live chat with other attenders and our online host team. Share prayers and stay connected when you can't be there in person.

The livestream can also be viewed on Sundays at 10 am on YouTube.

You can also find past sermons anytime in our Media Archive here.

If you're joining us for the first time online, we hope you'll say "hi!" We'd love to learn your name and connect with you. Filling out a digital Connect Card is an easy first step in getting connected. Our online hosts will share the link during the live service, or you can fill it out right here.

Whether you attend in-person or online, giving online is simple and convenient. Give one-time or set up recurring giving so you don't miss a beat. You can give from the UMCE Everywhere App or here.