Where are you headed?

Apr 2, 2023    Rev. Sarah Clark

When we look deeper into the context of this story, we uncover how two parades are occurring at once. Jesus’ unconventional and unexpected enter into the city parallels the extravagant parade of Pilate, the Roman governor. As both leaders enter the city for the Passover, they embody different directions. Pilate commands military dominance and imperial power; Jesus ushers in the kingdom of God and the way of peace. Within the chaos and commotion of this scene, which leader will you follow? Jesus’ journey to the cross should always catch us off-guard. As dismayed as the disciples, we ask, “Jesus, are you really headed this way, straight to your death?” Many of our weekly questions throughout this season so far have helped us prepare spiritually for Holy Week. Now we examine if our beliefs have changed our behaviors. Has your path changed? In the midst of opposing forces, which way will you go?