Every family has a rhythm and culture. At UMCE we want to make it easy for you to fit in and become an official member of our family. So whether you're considering baptism, want to become a member, or just find out more about UMCE,  we want you to help you take the next step.

Get to Know UMCE - Pizza With the Pastor

Whether you're interested in finding out more about the UMCE family, history, and theology - or you'd like to become a member, Pizza With the Pastor is a great way to get to know UMCE. We hold Pizza with the Pastor events on a regular basis throughout the year (the next one is coming up in May 2023!). This is a time to ask questions, get to know Pastor Sarah, church leadership, and other folks new to the church a little bit better, and begin to explore the places God is calling you to engage at UMCE.

Pizza with the Pastor meets quarterly on a Sunday after worship (the next one will be in August 2024). As the name suggests, pizza is served.
You can sign up for the next Pizza With the Pastor event here.


Are you feeling called to dedicate your life to Christ through baptism? Do you want to have your child baptized? In the United Methodist Church, we baptize people of all ages from infants to adults. Baptism is a means of grace - the outward and visible sign of the inward movement of God's grace in your life. To find out more about being baptized at UMCE, click on the links below and then contact Pastor Sarah ( 

Join a Small Group

Small groups are a great way to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus alongside others on the same journey. At UMCE, we offer a variety of small groups. To learn more about small groups at UMCE, click here. To find a Life Together Group, click here.