Nesting  A HOME 

for refugees

"You must love [the immigrant] as yourself, because you were immigrants in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God."
                                                                                        - Leviticus 19:24

As we seek to love our neighbors near and far,  we are partnering with the African Community Center, Evergreen Lutheran Church, and Deer Park United Methodist Church to Nest-A-Home for a newly-arrived refugee family settling in the Denver area.

Nesting a Home involves collecting all the initial furnishings and household items that a family will need as they settle into their new home in the USA. At UMCE, we are coordinating the collection of items to ensure that when a refugee family arrives, they have a safe, secure, and fully stocked home in which to begin their new lives.

You can help! This project happens at UMCE every year during the season of Lent. In 2025, we will begin the project in March and collect items through April. Check back soon for more information!

Find out more about the African Community Center here!

Read about our Nesting Project in the Canyon Courier here!

2024 Nesting Project Update!

Thank you to everyone who donated items or gave a financial contribution toward our 2024 Nesting Project! We were able to collect all of the items on our list and then some!

The family we worked with for this project was a family of 7 - two parents and their five children! They are settling in and we were glad to be a small part of welcoming them to their new life in the USA.