Racial justice ministries


Beginning in 2020, the Church and Society Team at UMCE has been inviting the people of UMCE
on a journey toward racial equity and justice as part of our commitment to following Jesus as his disciples.
 Currently, our journey of racial equity and justice involves several opportunities
to learn, grow, and act for justice.

Journey Toward Racial Equity and Justice Small Group

This small group is committed to learning and growing in understanding of racial equity and justice through reading, listening, discussion, and acting for justice. The Journey Toward Racial Justice group meets on the second and fourthThursdays of the month at 5:30pm on Zoom.

Racial Justice Lending Library

We have a small Racial Justice Lending Library available for our congregation and the wider Evergreen community located in our Fellowship Hall. The library contains books for adults and children that can help us learn more about racism, white supremacy, and the journey toward racial equity and justice. You can find a list of books in our library here.

The Lending Library is open to the public on Sundays from 9-11:30 am and Mondays-Thursdays from 10am-3pm.

Royalties for Spirituals Project

The Royalties Project focuses on the Spirituals that are an important part of our faith and our worship. Spirituals, composed by enslaved persons before 1865, are in the public domain, and no royalties are paid for using this time honored music in our churches. This means that, unlike other composers (or their descendants) who receive royalties from the licensing fees our church pays each year, those who carry on the legacy of the Spirituals have never received compensation for their forebearers' work. The Royalties project is about honoring those who composed the Spirituals long ago, and reaching out in the present.

Throughout the year, the UMCE congregation takes a special offering in support of the Royalties Project which benefits young Black students or groups who carry on the African American music experience. At our quarterly “Spirituals Sundays,” we celebrate the gift of Spirituals and learn more about the songs and the culture from which the Spirituals emerged.

The Royalties Project is about remembering, respecting, and helping to heal past injustices. Therefore, to make clear what the project is about, the name, "Towards Healing: Royalties for Spirituals", describes our purpose. It's not our fault for not knowing, but it IS on us to respond!
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