What's in Jesus' wallet?

Stewardship Season 2024

Jesus spends a lot of time talking about money. By parable, by example, in conversation with disciples and with rivals, Jesus paints a vision of a new way of being - and invites us to dedicate ourselves to it. But what does living this new vision look like and how do we invest ourselves - our treasure, time, and talents - in it? This Stewardship Season at UMCE, we will open Jesus' wallet and discover how he asks us to use our resources to bring about God's kingdom.

A reflection from Pastor Sarah

You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous in every way.
Such generosity produces thanksgiving to God through us.
+ 2 Corinthians 9:11
When we give to the church, we have the opportunity to put our resources at the disposal of God and God's kingdom. We have the chance to invest our resources in the work of God through the work of the church. When Jesus fed five thousand people with only five loaves of bread and two fish, he was showing us how God's love can multiply the effects of our generosity.

We see the fruit of our investment in God's work through UMCE all around us - in the increasing presence of children, youth, and families who are being shaped and nurtured in faith, in life-changing outreach to our community like the Nest-A-Home for Refugees project, in groups like the women's Bible Study, the Journey Toward Racial Justice, and the Wonderful Wednesday samll groups.

You have the opportunity to help UMCE continue to grow as you grow in your giving to Christ's ministry through UMCE for 2025. Prayerfully consider your answer to this question: What percentage of my income is God asking me to put in God's hands for 2025? How will you invest yourself and your resources in God's mission and ministry through UMCE? How much more will God do to transform hearts and lives through UMCE in 2025?

Fill out your 2025 Estimate of Giving Card today!