Our Wesleyan Way of Life

Oct 15, 2023    Rev. Sarah Clark

In late 1735, a ship made its way to the New World from England. On board was a young Anglican minister,

John Wesley, who had been invited to serve as a pastor to British colonists in Georgia. When the weather

went sour, the ship found itself in serious trouble. Wesley feared for his life. But he noticed that the group of

German Moravians on board were not afraid at all. In fact, throughout the storm, they sang calmly. When the

trip ended, Wesley asked the Moravian leader about his serenity, and the man responded with a question: Did he, Wesley, have faith in Christ? In fact, Wesley was confused by the experience, but his perplexity led to a period of soul searching and finally to one of the most famous and consequential conversions in church

history. We start this series about our Wesleyan heritage with the story of Wesley’s conversion and what it

teaches us about the ways that God invites us (and calls us to respond) to a life lived in and through God’s
